Acne is almost experienced by all people in this world, even among them to the point of being troubled by expensive treatments to eliminate this one skin allergy. ..Why is that?

Because facial skin that still arises pimples means that the epiderimic layer is still functioning properly, although the pimples that appear also become a problem if excessive. Normally acne appears when puberty, PMS symptoms, or symptoms of pregnancy. Globally, however, zits appearing outside these general conditions means that there are errors in treatment such as using cosmetics, food allergies, water to air. Here we will share natural ingredients to get rid of zits, sis!

1. Aloe vera
Plants that are easy to grow in all soil and weather provide extraordinary benefits, the mucus in the skin is able to neutralize acne on the face. This mucus is enough to apply to the part with acne then wait until it is dry, wash your face after 4 hours. Another benefit of aloe vera is to restore blackened scars (scabies), restore burns so that they are not scarred at all. This is a personal experience you know, the skin color is smooth again.

2. Milk Plus Honey
Processed milk in the form of yogurt can reduce to reduce acne on your face sis. The trick, take 3 tablespoons of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of natural honey and mix evenly. After that, take it with a cotton bud and apply it to the face with acne. To get maximum results, you can use it for facial scrubs.

3. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a jejamuan ingredient and can also be made from herbal drinks. To make cinnamon scrubs, the method is:

Take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and 1 tablespoon of natural honey, then mix evenly. After that, apply to all areas of the face and neck to get satisfying results.

4. Bengkoang Plus Lime
Bengkoang fruit in addition to treating acne can also brighten the skin with regular use. If you have severe acne, you can mix the grated bengkoang with lime extract. Use it as a mask at night, feeling cool and fresh, a sign that you are reacting, but if your skin is sensitive to one component, immediately wash your face and stop it.

5. Egg whites
Egg white body scrub has proved quite a lot as an anti-inflammatory skin. Take Javanese chicken egg white, and apply it at night before going to bed. This PH egg white means that it can be used on all skin types. In addition to rubbing zits, you can also tighten the skin of the face with natural ingredients to eliminate this one zit.

Having a smooth facial skin is everyone's dream, especially women, but more importantly is facial health with natural ingredients treatment to eliminate acne.