Crying is a form of reaction from overflowing human emotions. Sadness or happiness can trigger someone to cry. Indeed, it cannot be denied that we as humans, whether male or female, naturally cry. Relax, crying does not mean that you are a weak person. This is the fact that Friend Shopee should know about crying:

Helps better vision

Who would have thought, when you didn't cry too, tears flowed from the lacrimal gland every time it blinked. This moisture is made from water, oil and mucus which helps to maintain eye vision. So if you cry, tears can help clear the debris in the eyes. Also makes it easier for light to enter the eyes for better vision

Tears are divided into three types

Basal tears are a type of tear that cleanses and lubricates the eyes, usually these tears will appear when you are sneezing. Reflex tears are tears that come out when the eye responds to disturbing compounds, such as when peeling onions or getting dust. Last but not least, there are tears of emotion. Yup! from the name alone, it has been seen that this one must be the cause because of feelings.

Relieves stress

Don't underestimate the problem you're experiencing. According to scientists, crying can ease the burden of the mind. Although not completely completely recovering, crying is good for relieving initial stress.

The most honest expression of feeling

When you cry, you indirectly are ready to open yourself to others. Crying, requires great energy and courage, if it is associated with complex and emotional feelings. Like when someone shows anger and disappointment through tears because they are unable to speak.

Sign you are a strong person

The public's view of people who cry easily is weak or whiny, it turns out wrong. In fact, when you can tear easily it is a sign that you are a strong person because you have good control over your emotions.