In fact, there are various natural ways that are safe and easy to do to eradicate stubborn pimples. The methods below are very effective and effective, you know how to get rid of zits quickly.

1. Using warm water
Physiologically, warm water can make blood vessels dilate or widen. This method is able to reach bacteria that are developing in pimples. The method is very easy, just wet the clean cloth with warm water then compress it to the pimple section with a period of 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Salt water
The main function of salt water is as a cleanser. If it is used on the part of the skin that is affected by zits, then little by little the bacteria in zits will rise Salt water is also capable of cleaning impurities that clog the pores.

3. Ice Cube
The next way to deflate pimples is with ice cubes. The coldness of the ice cubes that are placed on the face with acne will make the arteries narrow, so the zits will appear to shrink.

4. Lime
Lime is often involved in the treatment of skin problems, one of which is acne. Only by preparing a glass of warm water, then drops the lime and add a little salt then wash it on the face.

In addition to the above methods, Shopee Friend also needs to maintain a diet and exercise regularly to maintain hormonal balance in the body. Perform facials and treatments on the face occasionally, to make the face feel more refreshing.