Water holds many benefits for the body, both for adults and children. Eating water, is known to increase children's growth and development. Because, water is needed for cell growth in the body, including brain cells.

If they consume less water, they will become dehydrated, and that will affect their growth and development.

To meet water needs and stay hydrated, it is not uncommon for people to buy bottled mineral water. However, how long does mineral water drink after the bottle cap is left open?

Hydration expert from the University of Indonesia's Health Faculty, Dr. Diana Sunardi MGizi SpGK said, no more than two hours.

He explained, this was related to microbes when the bottle was opened. The water in the bottle will be exposed to air from the environment, which can have bacteria and enter the water.

"Not to mention if we drink directly from the mouth, our mouth has bacteria. Bacteria enter the bottle, if left unchecked, over time will multiply. Moreover, if the air temperature is suitable, "he explained.